
body wrapping

einBody Wrapping

Through compression wrapping with a film or bandages, body wrapping is used to reduce the girth of the body. Also, the treatment favors the regression of the skin after childbirth or after a large weight loss. Body wrapping tightens the connective tissue, reduces cellulite, tightens the skin and helps to reduce small fat pads. During the application with the foil, a sauna effect is created due to the non-breathable foil.

The treatment is carried out in two steps. At the beginning, the desired body parts are massaged with a special cream. Then the body is wrapped with two layers of foil. This is followed by a rest period, which usually lasts one hour.
The combination of the wrapping technique and the resulting heat promotes blood circulation. This opens lymphatic capillaries. One advantage of this is a purification effect, as stress-related toxins, tobacco or medications that have accumulated in the cells can be eliminated more easily.

Fields of application:
Thighs, waist, abdomen, upper arms, hips, calves, buttocks, etc. 

Besonders erfolgversprechend ist die Kombination von Body Wrap und Anti-Cellulite Massage! Diese zwei Behandlungen ergänzen sich ideal.

Body Wrapping

Individual treatment


CHF 65.-

Special Packages auf Anfrage



Bestens kombinierbar mit Massage